Locks: Description and Operation
Key Coding ConstructionKey Usage and Identification
Key is used for ignition and door lock cylinder. Keys are cut on both edges to make them reversible.
Key identification is obtained from five character key code stamped on key code tag. Using this key code, key code cutting combination can be determined from a code list (available to owners of key cutting equipment from suppliers).
If key codes are not available from records or tags, key code can be obtained from the right hand door lock cylinder (if lock has not been replaced). Lock cylinders supplied by the factory as service parts are unmarked.
If original key is available, key code cutting combination can be determined by laying key.
Ignition Switch Lock Cylinder Removal and Installation
Refer to Steering Lock Assembly (Ignition Switch) Removal and Installation.
Electrical Diagnosis
For ignition switch electrical troubleshooting, see Ignition, Engine and Emission Control System Circuit in System Circuit Diagram :G16 / J20 Engines or Ignition, Engine and Emission Control System Circuit in System Circuit Diagram :H25 Engine.