Ball Joint
Upper Ball Joint and Lower Ball Joint: Inspection^ Check the ball joint for excessive play. Replace the upper or lower link assembly if any of the following exists:
^ Ball joint stud is worn.
^ Ball joint is hard to swing.
^ Ball joint play in axial directions or end play is excessive.
Swinging Force
Before checking the axial forces and end play, turn the lower ball joint at least 10 revolutions so that the ball joint is properly broken in.
1) Measure the ball joint swinging force using a suitable tool.
^ Measure at the cotter pin hole for upper ball joint as shown.
^ Measure at the groove for lower ball joint as shown.
2) Verify the ball joint swinging force is within specification.
Swinging force "A" (Measurement point at either cotter pin hole or groove of ball stud)
Upper: 8.1 - 79 N (0.83 - 8.1 kg-f, 1.82 - 17.8 lb-ft) at hole
Lower: 11.4 - 145.5 N (1.16 - 14.84 kg-f, 2.56 - 32.71 lb-ft) at groove
Turning Force
Before checking the axial forces and end play, turn the lower ball joint at least 10 revolutions so that the ball joint is properly broken in.
Turning torque "B"
Upper: 0.5 - 4.9 Nm (0.05 - 0.49 kg-m, 5 - 43 in-lb)
Lower: 0.5 - 6.4 Nm (0.05 - 0.65 kg-m, 5 - 56 in-lb)
Vertical End Play
Check dust cover for damage. Replace it and the cover clamp if necessary.
Before checking the axial forces and end play, turn the lower ball joint at least 10 revolutions so that the ball joint is properly broken in.
Vertical end play "C": 0 mm (0 in)