Compressor HVAC: Service and Repair
Compressor Assembly Removal and InstallationRemoval
1. Run engine at idle with A/C ON for 10 minutes.
2. Disconnect negative (-) cable at battery.
3. Recover refrigerant from the A/C system using recovery and recycling equipment referring to "Recovery" in Operation Procedure for Charging A/C with Refrigerant.
NOTE: The amount of compressor oil at removed must be measured and the same amount must be poured when installing the compressor.
4. Drain engine coolant.
- J24B model:
- N32A model:
5. Remove radiator inside hose and outside hose from engine.
6. Remove P/S fluid reservoir from its bracket.
7. Remove accessory (A/C compressor) drive belt referring to Accessory Drive Belt Removal and Installation.
8. Disconnect magnet clutch connector (1).
9. Disconnect suction hose (2) and discharge hose (3) from compressor.
NOTE: Cap open fitting immediately to keep moisture out of system.
10. Remove compressor (4) from engine.
CAUTION: Be sure to use HFC-134a (R-134a) compressor oil.
Reverse removal procedure noting the following instructions.
- If compressor is replaced, pour new compressor oil referring to Precautions on Replenishing Compressor Oil.
- Install accessory (A/C compressor) drive belt referring to Accessory Drive Belt Removal and Installation.
- Install P/S fluid reservoir from its bracket.
- Fill engine coolant to radiator.
- J24B model:
- N32A model:
- Evacuate and charge system referring to "Evacuation" and "Charge" in Operation Procedure for Charging A/C with Refrigerant.
- Tighten compressor mounting bolts in numerical order ("1" through "3") to specified torque as shown in figure. (J24B model)
- Tighten compressor mounting bolts "2" temporarily and install mounting bolt "1" and "3", and then tighten mounting bolts in numerical order ("1" through "3") to specified torque as shown in figure. (N32A model)
Tightening torque
Compressor mounting bolt (a): 25 N.m (2.5 kg-m, 18.0 lbf-ft) (by the specified procedure)