Irregular and/or Premature Wear Description
Irregular and/or Premature Wear Description
Irregular and premature wear has many causes. Some of them are as follows: incorrect inflation pressures, lack of tire rotation, driving habits, improper alignment.
If the following conditions are noted, rotation is necessary:
- Front tire wear is different from rear.
- Uneven wear exists across the tread of any tire.
- Both side of front tire wears are not even.
- Both side of rear tire wears are not even.
- There is cupping, flat spotting, etc.
A wheel alignment check is necessary if following conditions are noted:
- Both side of front tire wears are not even.
- Wear is uneven across the tread of any front tire.
- Front tire treads have scuffed appearance with "feather" edges on one side of tread ribs or blocks.