Control Module: Service and Repair
Transmission Control Module (TCM) Removal and Installation
The TCM consists of highly precise parts and may be damaged if it is exposed to a large shock.
Handle the TCM carefully. Be careful not to impact it.
1) Disconnect negative cable at battery.
2) Disable air bag system.
Refer to Disabling Air Bag System Disabling Air Bag System:Advanced Air Bag or Disabling Air Bag System Disabling Air Bag System:Except Advanced Air Bag.
3) Remove glove box.
4) Disconnect connectors from TCM (1).
5) Remove TCM with 4WD control module (if equipped) (2) by removing its nuts, and then separate TCM and 4WD control module.
Reverse removal procedure noting the following points.
- Connect TCM connectors securely.
- Be sure to enable air bag system after TCM is back in place. Refer to Enabling Air Bag System Enabling Air Bag System:Advanced Air Bag or Enabling Air Bag System Enabling Air Bag System:Except Advanced Air Bag.