Brake Bleeding: Service and Repair
The hydraulic lines of the brake system are based on a diagonal split system. When a brake line or hose is disconnected, bleeding operation must be performed at both ends of the line disconnected.1. Fill master cylinder reservoir. Reservoir should be kept at least half full during bleeding operation.
2. Remove bleeder plug cap, then attach vinyl tube to bleeder plug of component to be bled. Insert other end of tube into suitable container.
3. Depress brake pedal several times, then while holding pedal depressed, loosen bleeder plug 1/2 turn.
4. When fluid pressure in cylinder is almost depleted, retighten bleeder plug.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4, until there are no more air bubbles in hydraulic line.
6. When bubbles stop, depress and hold brake pedal, then tighten bleeder plug.
7. Attach bleeder cap.
8. After completing bleeding operation, apply fluid pressure to hydraulic system and check for leakage.
9. Fill master cylinder reservoir up to specified level.
10. Check brake pedal for sponginess. If pedal is spongy, repeat entire procedure.