Alignment: Testing and Inspection
Steering and vibration complaints are not always the result of improper alignment. An additional item to be checked is the possibility of tire lead. Lead is the deviation of the vehicle from a straight path on a level road without hand pressure on the steering wheel.Before making any adjustment affecting toe setting, the following checks and inspections should be made to ensure correctness of alignment readings and adjustments.
1. Check all tires for proper inflation pressures and approximately same tread wear.
2. Check suspension parts for excessive looseness, replace as needed.
3. Check for run-out of wheels and tires.
4. Check vehicle ride height; if out of limits and a correction is to be made, it must be made before adjusting toe.
5. Consideration must be given to excess loads, such as tool boxes. If this excess load is normally carried in vehicle, it should remain in vehicle during alignment checks.
6. Vehicle must be on a level surface both front and rear and side to side.