Wiper Motor: Testing and Inspection
WIND SHIELD WIPER MOTOR1. As illustrated, use a 12 V battery to connect its (+) terminal to (1) terminal, and its (-) terminal to Black lead cord. If motor rotates at a low revolution speed of 47 to 57 rpm, it is proper. As for high speed check, connect battery (+) terminal to 2. terminal, and its (-) terminal to Black lead cord. If motor rotates at a high revolution speed of 70 to 84 rpm, it is proper.
2. Testing automatic stop action
Connect battery (+) terminal to motor (3) terminal, and (-) terminal to Black lead cord, respectively. Use a jumper to short (4) and (1) terminals to each other to check whether motor shaft stops at a given position. This position must conform to start position. Stop motor again and again with the jumper to confirm that it stops at the same position.