Gear: Service and Repair
Removal1. Remove gear shift interlock bolt (1) and 5th to reverse interlock guide bolt (2) from transaxle case.
2. Remove gear shift & select shaft assembly (3).
3. Remove 9 bolts and take off transaxle side cover (4).
CAUTION: Care should be taken not to distort side cover when it is removed from left case.
4. Unfasten caulking of countershaft and input shaft nuts.
5. Engage gear double meshing to loosen countershaft and input shaft nuts.
6. Remove shaft nuts and hub plate.
NOTE: Do not hammer when loosening nuts.
7. Remove backup lamp switch (1).
8. Remove 5th shift fork plug (1) and guide ball (2).
9. Remove circlip (3) and C-ring (4).
10. Remove 5th shift fork (2), sleeve and hub assembly (3), synchronizer ring and 5th gear all together by using puller
11. Remove input shaft 5th gear needle bearing and then counter shaft 5th gear (3). Gear puller (4) would be necessary if spline fitting of countershaft 5th gear is tight.
12. Remove bolts (1) and take off left case plate (2), and then bearing set shim.
13. Remove C-ring of input shaft left bearing.