Vanity Lamp: Testing and Inspection
Vanity Mirror Lighting Is InoperativeDiagnostic Aids
If the vanity mirror lighting is working on one side of a mirror but not on the other side, check the lamp bulb. If the vanity mirror lighting is working on one side of the car but not on the other side, begin the diagnostic table at Step 3.
Step 1 - 9:
Test Description
The numbers below refer to steps on the diagnostic table.
1. In a vehicle equipped with a sunroof, the interior courtesy lamp is near the rearview mirror. It also serves as a map lamp. In a non-sunroof vehicle, the interior courtesy lamp is in the roof in the middle of the passenger compartment. There are separate map lamps near the rearview mirror. The vanity mirror lamps have the same fuse and ground as the courtesy lamp.
2. The resistance of a vanity mirror lamp bulb is about 4.2 ohms.