Timing Belt: Testing and Inspection
Timing Belt Check and Adjust1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Disconnect the Manifold Air Temperature (MAT) sensor connector.
3. Remove the air cleaner outlet hose from the throttle body.
4. Remove the breather tube from the camshaft cover.
5. Remove the air cleaner housing bolts.
6. Remove the air cleaner housing.
7. Remove the right front wheel.
8. Remove the right front wheel well splash shield.
9. Remove the serpentine accessory drive belt.
10. Remove the crankshaft pulley bolts.
11. Remove the crankshaft pulley.
12. Remove the right engine mount bracket.
13. Remove the front timing belt cover bolts.
14. Remove the front timing belt cover.
15. Rotate the crankshaft at least one full turn clockwise using the crankshaft gear bolt.
16. Align the mark on the crankshaft gear with the notch at the bottom of the rear timing belt cover.
17. Align the camshaft gear timing marks. Use the exhaust gear mark for the exhaust gear and the intake gear mark for the intake gear, since the gears are interchangeable.
18. Loosen the automatic tensioner bolt. To relieve the belt tension, turn the hex-key tab counterclockwise.
19. Rotate the automatic tensioner hex-key tab clockwise until the adjust arm pointer of the timing belt automatic tensioner is aligned with the notch in the timing belt automatic tensioner bracket.
20. Tighten the automatic tensioner bolt.
21. Rotate the crankshaft two full turns clockwise using the crankshaft gear bolt.
22. Check the automatic tensioner pointer.
23. When the adjust arm pointer of the timing belt automatic tensioner is aligned with the notch on the timing belt automatic tensioner bracket, the belt is tensioned correctly.
Tighten: Tighten the automatic tensioner bolt to 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.).
24. Install the front timing belt cover.
25. Install the front timing belt cover bolts.
Tighten: Tighten the front timing belt cover bolts to 6 Nm (53 inch lbs.).
26. Install the crankshaft pulley.
27. Install the crankshaft pulley bolt.
Tighten: Tighten the crankshaft pulley bolt to 20 Nm (15 ft. lbs.).
28. Install the right engine mount bracket.
29. Install the serpentine accessory drive belt.
30. Install the right front wheel well splash shield.
31. Install the right front wheel.
32. Install the air cleaner housing.
33. Install the air cleaner housing bolts.
Tighten: Tighten the air cleaner housing bolts to 10 Nm (89 inch lbs.).
34. Connect the air cleaner outlet hose to the throttle body.
35. Connect the breather tube to the camshaft cover.
36. Connect the MAT sensor connector.
37. Connect the negative battery cable.