Hatchback Door Lock Removal and Installation
Hatchback Door Lock Removal and Installation (For HATCHBACK and STATION WAGON Model)Removal
1. Open the hatchback door.
2. Remove the hatchback door lower garnish molding. Refer to Tailgate Lower Garnish Molding Removal and Installation.
3. Remove the screws and the hatchback lock.
4. Disconnect the lock rods and the electrical connector.
1. Connect the lock rods and the electrical connector.
2. Install the hatchback lock with the screws.
Tighten: Tighten the hatchback door lock screws to 6 N�m (53 in. lbs.).
3. Install the hatchback door lower garnish molding. Refer to Tailgate Lower Garnish Molding Removal and Installation.
4. Close the hatchback door.