Knock Diagnosis
Knock DiagnosisDefinition for Knock
Engine knock refers to various types of engine noise. Heavy knock is usually very loud and the result of broken or excessively worn internal engine components. Light knock is a noticeable noise, but not as loud. Light knock can be caused by worn internal engine components. Loose or broken external engine components can also cause heavy or light knock.
Steps 1-9:
Engine Knocks Cold and Continues for Two-Three Minutes and/or Knock Increases with Engine Torque
Steps 1-7:
Steps 8-15:
Heavy Knock Hot with Torque Applied
Steps 1-9:
Light Knock Hot
Steps 1-3:
Steps 4-9:
Knocks during Initial Start-Up But Last Only A Few Seconds
Steps 1-14:
Steps 14 (continued)-19:
Knocks at Idle Hot