60000 MI or 96000 KM
LubricateDoors, Hood and Trunk
Locks, Hinges & Hood Latch
Steering Wheel
Steering wheel and linkage
Seat Belt Systems
Power Steering
Parking Brake System
Fuel Supply Line
Fuel Filter
Fluid - M/T
Exhaust System
Evaporative Emission Control Canister
EVAP cnaister, vapor lines & solenoid valve filter.
Drive Belt
Disc Brake System
Front and rear brake pads & discs
Cooling System
Constant Velocity Joint Boot
Brake Hose/Line
Body and Frame
Chassis and Underbody Bolts and Nuts Tight/Secure
Timing Belt
Spark Plug
Oil Filter, Engine
Ignition Cable
Engine Oil
Clutch Fluid
Cabin Air Filter / Purifier
Brake Fluid
Air Filter Element
Also check tire condition and inflation pressure