Tire Monitoring System: Service and Repair
TPS (Tire Pressure Sensor) ID Registration ProcedureTPS is assembled on each tire to check tire air pressure. This system only turns on warning lamp regardless of TPS position even if air pressure of one tire becomes less than warning pressure. So, Id registration is not necessary in case of rotation or replacement of tires. However, Id registration is necessary when shipping vehicles, TPS is replaced due to Sensor break/failure or Low battery, or Receiver is replaced.
1. Turn the ignition switch to ON, with engine OFF and apply the parking brake.
2. Put receiver into TPM Learn Mode by Scan tool. Initiate the procedure by following the menu selections. If successful, should double horn chirp sound and flashing low tire indicator (MIL) will indicate Learn Mode has begun.
3. Within 2 minutes, go to the LEFT FRONT tire. Trigger the tire sensor to send a learn message (*use any method described below). If successful, a horn chirp is heard.
4. Repeat #3 above for the RIGHT FRONT tire.
5. Repeat #3 above for the RIGHT REAR tire.
6. Repeat #3 above for the LEFT REAR tire.
If successful, double horn chirp is heard and low tire indicator (MIL) will turn off.
7. If one of the tire sensors does not program within the 2 minute interval, the system will automatically exit programming mode and steps 2 through 6 must be repeated.
8. If air was added or removed to trigger a tire sensor learn message, then the tire pressures should be adjusted to the correct placard cold tire pressures at this time.
Methods to Trigger Tire Sensor Learn Transmission There are several ways to force a tire sensor to send a Learn message.
^ Delta Pressure
While the tire is stationary and when the air pressure changes rapidly by at least 1.2 psi, the sensor will transmit a Learn Mode-Pressure Triggered message. Inflating or deflating the tire until a horn chirp is heard will ensure that the learn happened.
^ SPX TPMS tool (SPX p/n J.46079)
Holding the tool near the tire stem will force the sensor to transmit a Learn Mode-LF Triggered message.
^ Aftermarket TPMS tool
Several manufacturers produce a Low Frequency (125 KHz) tool that can activate the sensors in the same way as the SPX tool.