120000 MI or 192000 KM
LubricateDoors, Hood and Trunk
Locks, Hinges & Hood Latch
Steering Wheel
Steering wheel and linkage
Spark Plug
Seat Belt Systems
Power Steering
Parking Brake System
Fuel Supply Line
Exhaust System
Evaporative Emission Control Canister
EVAP cnaister, vapor lines & solenoid valve filter.
Drive Belt
Disc Brake System
Front and rear brake pads & discs
Cooling System
Constant Velocity Joint Boot
Brake Hose/Line
Body and Frame
Chassis and Underbody Bolts and Nuts Tight/Secure
Oil Filter, Engine
Fuel Filter
Engine Oil
Cabin Air Filter / Purifier
Brake Fluid
Air Filter Element
Also check tire condition and inflation pressure