General Precautions
GENERAL PRECAUTIONSThe WARNING and CAUTION describe some general precautions that you should observe when servicing a vehicle. These general precautions apply to many of the service procedures described, and they will not necessarily be repeated with each procedure to which they apply.
- Whenever raising a vehicle for service, be sure to follow the instructions under Vehicle Lifting Points.
- When it is necessary to do service work with the engine running, make sure that the parking brake is set fully and the transmission is in Neutral (for manual transmission vehicles) or Park (for automatic transmission vehicles), Keep hands, hair, clothing, tools, etc. away from the fan and belts when the engine is running.
- When it is necessary to run the engine indoors, make sure that the exhaust gas is forced outdoors.
- Do not perform service work in areas where combustible materials can come in contact with a hot exhaust system. When working with toxic or flammable materials (such as gasoline and refrigerant), make sure that the area you work in is well-ventilated.
- To avoid getting burned, keep away from hot metal parts such as the radiator, exhaust manifold, tail pipe, muffler, etc.
- New and used engine oil can be hazardous. Children and pets may be harmed by swallowing new or used oil. Keep new and used oil and used engine oil filters away from children and pets. Continuous contact with used engine oil has been found to cause [skin] cancer in laboratory animals. Brief contact with used oil may irritate skin. To minimize your exposure to used engine oil, wear a long-sleeve shirt and moisture-proof gloves (such as dish washing gloves) when changing engine oil. If engine oil contacts your skin, wash thoroughly with soap and water. Launder any clothing or rags if wet with oil, recycle or properly dispose of used oil and filters.
- Make sure the bonnet is fully closed and latched before driving. If it is not, it can fly up unexpectedly during driving, obstructing your view and resulting in an accident.
- Before starting any service work, cover fenders, seats and any other parts that are likely to get scratched or stained during servicing. Also, be aware that what you wear (e.g, buttons) may cause damage to the vehicle's finish.
- When performing service to electrical parts that does not require use of battery power, disconnect the negative cable of the battery.
- When disconnecting the negative cable from the battery, record displayed contents of the clock and/or audio system before disconnecting and reset it as before after connecting.
- When removing the battery, be sure to disconnect the negative cable first and then the positive cable. When reconnecting the battery, connect the positive cable first and then the negative cable, and replace the terminal cover.
- When removing parts that are to be reused, be sure to keep them arranged in an orderly manner so that they may be reinstalled in the proper order and position.
- Whenever you use oil seals, gaskets, packing, O-rings, locking washers, split pins, self-locking nuts, and certain other parts as specified, be sure to use new ones. Also, before installing new gaskets, packing, etc., be sure to remove any residual material from the mating surfaces.
- Make sure that all parts used in reassembly are perfectly clean. When use of a certain type of lubricant, bond or sealant is specified, be sure to use the specified type.
- Be sure to use special tools when instructed.
Special Tool
(A): 09917-98221
(B): 09916-58210
- When disconnecting vacuum hoses, attach a tag describing the correct installation positions so that the hoses can be reinstalled correctly.
- After servicing fuel, oil, coolant, vacuum, exhaust or brake systems, check all lines related to the system for leaks.
- For vehicles equipped with fuel injection systems, never disconnect the fuel line between the fuel pump and injector without first releasing the fuel pressure, or fuel can be sprayed out under pressure.
- When performing a work that produces a heat exceeding 80 degrees C (176 degrees F) in the vicinity of the electrical parts, remove the heat sensitive electrical part(s) beforehand.
- Use care not to expose connectors and electrical parts to water which will be a cause of a trouble.
- Always be careful not to handle electrical parts (computer, relay, etc.) in a rough manner or drop them.