O-Ring Replacement
O-ring ReplacementCAUTION:
^ Even though O-rings may look identical, it is extremely important that only recommended service replacement air conditioning O-rings be used or excessive leakage of refrigerant may occur.
^ Always slip the O-ring onto the flange tube to ensure proper locating and sealing.
Install new SUZUKI-approved service replacement air conditioning (A/C) O-rings whenever a joint or a fitting is disassembled, except when the O-rings are provided on new components.
When replacing O-rings on an A/C component or a joint connection, the fitting design should be identified to ensure installation of the correct air conditioning service replacement O-ring. Some joint connections and components will implement a "captured" O-ring design fitting that uses a groove to retain the O-ring. Others do not have a groove and use a "non-captured" or "standard" O-ring. Assembly and tightening procedures are the same for both designs, but the O-rings are different.
CAUTION: Before installation, verify that both O-rings and fittings have not been nicked or deformed. Deformed or nicked parts must be replaced. Failure to use the proper service replacement parts and procedures may result in excessive refrigerant leakage.