Parking Brake System: Service and Repair
Hub and Parking Brake Shoe / Backplate Removal and InstallationRemoval
1. Remove the caliper mounting bracket.
2. Remove the rotor detent screw.
3. Remove the rotor.
4. Remove the rear ABS sensor connector.
5. Remove the upper return spring, lower return spring and adjuster assembly.
6. Remove the retaining spring plate, spring and retaining spring pin.
7. Remove the parking brake shoe.
8. Remove the parking brake cable pin and cable from the backing plate.
9. Remove the hub bolts and hub.
1. Install the parking brake cable to the backing plate and lock the pin.
2. Install the hub with bolts.
Tighten: Tighten the hub bolts to 65 Nm (48 ft. lbs.).
3. Install the retaining spring pin, parking brake shoe, retaining spring and retaining spring
4. Install the adjuster assembly, lower return spring and upper return spring.
5. Connect the ABS sensor connector.
6. Install the rotor with detent screw.
Tighten: Tighten the rotor detent screw to 4 Nm (35 inch lbs.).
7. Install the caliper mounting bracket with bolts.
Tighten: Tighten the caliper bracket mounting bolts to 56 Nm (41 ft. lbs.).
8. Install the wheel.