Stall Test
Stall TestThis test is to check overall performance of automatic transaxle and engine by measuring stall speed at "D" and "R" ranges. Be sure to perform this test only when transaxle fluid is at normal operating temperature and its level is between FULL and LOW marks.
^ Do not run engine at stall more than 5 seconds continuously, for fluid temperature may rise excessively high.
^ After performing stall test, be sure to leave engine running at idle for longer than 1 minute before another stall test.
1. Apply parking brake and block wheels.
2. Warm up engine to normal operating temperature.
3. Turn OFF all electrical loads.
4. Depress brake pedal fully.
5. Shift select lever to "D" and depress accelerator pedal fully while watching tachometer. Read engine rpm quickly when it has become constant (stall speed).
6. Release accelerator pedal immediately after stall speed is checked.
7. In the same way, check stall speed in "R" range.
8. Stall speed should be within following specification.
Engine stall speed
Standard: 2,050 - 2,450 rpm