Engine: Testing and Inspection
Engine Vacuum CheckThe engine vacuum that develops in the intake line is a good indicator of the condition of the engine. The vacuum checking procedure is as follows:
1) Warm up engine to normal operating temperature.
NOTE: After warming up engine, be sure to place transaxle gear shift lever in "Neutral" (Shift selector lever to "P" range for A/T model), and set parking brake and block drive wheels.
2. Stop engine and turn off the all electric switches.
3. Remove air cleaner assembly.
4. Remove hose (1) from PCV valve (2).
5. Connect special tool (Vacuum gauge) to PCV hose (1).
Special Tool (A):09915-67311
6. Blind PCV valve (2) using tape (3) or the like.
7. Install air cleaner assembly.
8. Run engine at specified idle speed and read vacuum gauge. Vacuum should be within specification.
Vacuum specification (at sea level) 59 - 73 kPa (45 - 55 cmHg, 17.7 - 21.6 in.Hg) at specified idle speed
9. After checking, remove air cleaner assembly.
10. Disconnect special tool (Vacuum gauge) from PCV valve.
11. Detach blind cap from PCV valve.
12. Connect PCV hose to PCV valve.
13. Install air cleaner assembly.