DTC C1041 / C1042 / C1045 / C1046 / C1051 / C1052 / C1055 / C1056: Inlet / Outlet Solenoid Failure
DTC C1041 / C1045 / C1051 / C1055: Right-Front / Left-Front / Right-Rear / Left- Rear Inlet Solenoid Failure
DTC C1042 / C1046 / C1052 / C1056: Right-Front / Left-Front / Right-Rear / Left- Rear Outlet Solenoid Failure
Wiring Diagram
DTC Detecting Condition and Trouble Area
DTC Troubleshooting
Was "ABS Check" performed?
Go to Step 2.
Go to ABS Check.
2. ABS hydraulic unit / control module power supply circuit check
Check that ABS hydraulic unit / control module assembly power supply circuit and ground circuit is in good condition referring to ABS Hydraulic Unit / Control Module Assembly Power Supply and Ground Circuit Check ABS Hydraulic Unit / Control Module Assembly Power Supply and Ground Circuit Check.
Are check results OK?
Substitute a known-good ABS hydraulic unit / control module assembly and recheck.
Repair ABS hydraulic unit / control module assembly power supply or ground circuit.