DTC C1016: Brake Light Switch Circuit Failure
Wiring Diagram
DTC Detecting Condition and Trouble Area
Was "ABS Check" performed?
Go to Step 2.
NO -
Go to ABS Check ABS Check.
2. Brake light operation check
Turn ignition switch to ON position and depress brake pedal.
Does brake light turn ON?
Go to Step 3.
NO -
Repair brake light switch, brake light and/or brake light circuit and recheck.
3. Brake light switch signal circuit check
Disconnect ABS hydraulic unit / control module and brake light switch connector with ignition switch turned OFF.
Check for proper connection to "E08-6" terminal of ABS hydraulic unit / control module and "GRN/WHT" wire terminal of brake light switch.
If OK then measurer resistance between terminal of "E08-6" and "GRN/WHT" wire terminal of brake light switch connector.
Is it less than 2 ohms?
Substitute a known-good ABS hydraulic unit / control module and recheck.
NO -
"GRN/WHT" wire open or high resistance.