DTC C1041 / C1042 / C1043 / C1044 / C1045 / C1046 / C1051 / C1052 / C1053 / C1054 / C1055 / C1056: Inlet / Outlet / Cut / Suction Solenoid Valve Circuit Failure
DTC C1041 / C1045 / C1051 / C1055: Right-Front / Left-Front / Right-Rear / Left-Rear Inlet Solenoid
DTC C1042 / C1046 / C1052 / C1056: Right-Front / Left-Front / Right-Rear / Left-Rear Outlet Solenoid
DTC C1043 / C1044: Cut Solenoid No. 1 / No. 2
DTC C1053 / C1054: Suction Solenoid No. 1 / No. 2
Wiring Diagram
DTC Detecting Condition and Trouble Area
DTC Troubleshooting
Was "Electronic Stability Program Check" performed?
Go to Step 2.
NO -
Go to (ESP) Check Electronic Stability Program Check.
2. ESP(R) hydraulic unit / control module power supply circuit check
Turn ignition switch to OFF position.
Disconnect ESP(R) control module connector.
Check for proper connection to ESP(R) control module connector at terminals "E08-1" and "E08-14".
If OK, then measure voltage between terminals "E08-1" and "E08-14" of ESP(R) control module connector.
Is it 10 - 14 V?
Substitute a known-good ESP(R) hydraulic unit / control module assembly and recheck.
NO -
"WHT/BLU" or "BLK" circuit open or high resistance.