DTC P0117 / P0118
DTC Detecting Condition and Trouble Area
Wiring Diagram
Refer to P0116 DTC P0116 / P0125 / P0128.
DTC Confirmation Procedure
1) Turn ignition switch to ON position for 10 sec.
DTC Troubleshooting
Was "Engine and Emission Control System Check" performed?
Go to Step 2.
NO -
Go to Engine and Emission Control System Check Engine and Emission Control System Check.
2. ECT sensor circuit check
Check ECT sensor circuit according to Step 3 under P0116 DTC P0116 / P0125 / P0128.
Are they in good condition?
Go to Step 3.
NO -
Repair or replace defective wire harness.
3. ECT sensor check
Check ECT sensor. Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Inspection
Is it in good condition?
Substitute a known-good ECM and recheck.
NO -
Replace ECT sensor.