Cylinder Head Installation
1. Place cylinder head on cylinder block.(a) Place 2 new cylinder head gaskets in position on the cylinder block.
CAUTION: Be careful of the installation direction.
(b) Place the 2 cylinder heads in position on the cylinder head gaskets.
2. Install 12 pointed head cylinder head bolts.
^ The cylinder head bolts are tightened in progressive steps (steps (b) through (e)).
^ If any bolt is broken or deformed, replace it.
(a) Apply a light coat of engine oil on the threads and under the heads of the cylinder head bolts.
(b) Install and uniformly tighten the cylinder head bolts on each cylinder head, in several passes, in the sequence shown, then repeat for the other side, as shown.
Torque: 34 Nm (25 ft. lbs.)
If any of the cylinder head bolts does not meet the torque specification, replace the cylinder head bolt.
(c) Mark the front of the cylinder head bolt head with paint.
(d) Tighten the cylinder head bolts by an additional 90° in the numerical order shown.
(e) Tighten the cylinder head bolts by an additional 90°.
(f) Check that the painted mark is now facing rearward.
3. Install recessed head cylinder head bolts.
(a) Apply a light coat of engine oil on the threads and under the heads of the cylinder head bolts.
(b) Using an 8 mm hexagon wrench, install the cylinder head bolt on each cylinder head, then repeat for the other side, as shown.
Torque: 18 Nm (13 ft. lbs.)
4. Connect ground strap.
Install the bolt and connect the ground strap.
5. Assemble exhaust camshafts.
(a) Mount the hexagonal wrench head portion of the camshaft in a vise.
CAUTION: Be careful not to damage the camshaft.
(b) Install these parts:
(1) Camshaft gear spring.
(2) Camshaft sub-gear.
NOTE: Attach the pins on the gears to the gear spring ends.
(3) Wave washer.
(c) Using snap ring pliers, install the snap ring.
(d) Using Special Service Tool (SST) Variable Pin Wrench Set # 09960 - 10010 (Variable Pin Wrench Arm Assembly # 09962 - 01000, Pin # 09963 - 00600) or equivalents, align the holes of the camshaft main gear and sub-gear by turning camshaft sub-gear clockwise, and temporarily install a service bolt.
(e) Align the gear teeth of the main gear and sub-gear, and tighten the service bolt.
6. Install camshafts of RH cylinder head as follows.
CAUTION: Since the thrust clearance of the camshaft is small, the camshaft must be kept level while it is being installed. If the camshaft is not kept level, the portion of the cylinder head receiving the shaft thrust may crack or be damaged, causing the camshaft to seize or break. To avoid this, these steps should be carried out.
(a) Intake.
(1) Apply new engine oil to the thrust portion and journal of the camshaft.
(2) Place the intake camshaft at 90° angle of timing mark (2 dot marks) on the cylinder head.
(3) Apply Multipurpose (MP) grease to a new oil seal lip.
(4) Install the oil seal to the camshaft.
(5) Remove any old packing Formed In Place Gasket (FIPG) material.
(6) Apply seal packing to the No. 1 bearing cap as shown.
Seal packing: Part No. 08826 - 00080 or equivalent.
(7) Install the 5 bearing caps in their proper locations.
(8) Apply a light coat of engine oil on the threads and under the heads of the bearing cap bolts.
(9) Install and uniformly tighten the 10 beaning cap bolts, in several passes, in the sequence shown.
Torque: 16 Nm (12 ft. lbs.)
(b) Exhaust.
(1) Apply new engine oil to the thrust portion and journal of the camshaft.
(2) Align the timing marks (2 dot marks) of the camshaft drive and driven gears.
(3) Place the exhaust camshaft on the cylinder head.
(4) Install the 4 bearing caps in their proper locations.
(5) Apply a light coat of engine oil on the threads and under the heads of the bearing cap bolts.
(6) Install and uniformly tighten the 8 bearing cap bolts, in several passes, in the sequence shown.
Torque: 16 Nm (12 ft. lbs.)
(7) Remove the service bolt.
7. Install camshafts of LH cylinder head as follows.
CAUTION: Since the thrust clearance of the camshaft is small, the camshaft must be kept level while it is being installed. If the camshaft is not kept level, the portion of the cylinder head receiving the shaft thrust may crack or be damaged, causing the camshaft to seize or break. To avoid this, these steps should be carried out.
(a) Intake.
(1) Apply new engine oil to the thrust portion and journal of the camshaft.
(2) Place the intake camshaft at 90° angle of timing mark (1 dot mark) on the cylinder head.
(3) Apply MP grease to a new oil seal lip.
(4) Install the oil seal to the camshaft.
(5) Remove any old packing FIPG material.
(6) Apply seal packing to the No. 1 bearing cap as shown.
Seal packing: Part No. 08826 - 00080 or equivalent.
(7) Install the 5 bearing caps in their proper locations.
(8) Apply a light coat of engine oil on the threads and under the heads of the bearing cap bolts.
(9) Install and uniformly tighten the 10 bearing cap bolts, in several passes, in the sequence shown.
Torque: 16 Nm (12 ft. lbs.)
(b) Exhaust.
(1) Apply new engine oil to the thrust portion and journal of the camshaft.
(2) Align the timing marks (1 dot mark) of the camshaft drive and driven gears.
(3) Place the exhaust camshaft on the cylinder head.
(4) Install the 4 bearing caps in their proper locations.
(5) Apply a light coat of engine oil on the threads and under the heads of bearing cap bolts.
(6) Install and uniformly tighten the 8 bearing cap bolts, in several passes, in the sequence shown.
Torque: 16 Nm (12 ft. lbs.)
(7) Remove the service bolt.
8. Check and adjust valve clearance.
9. Install semi-circular plugs.
(a) Remove any old packing FIPG material.
(b) Apply seal packing to the semi-circular plug grooves.
Seal packing: Part No. 08826 - 00080 or equivalent.
(c) Install the 4 semi-circular plugs to the cylinder heads.
10. Install cylinder head covers.
(a) Apply seal packing to the cylinder heads as shown in the illustration.
Seal packing: Part No. 08826 - 00080 or equivalent.
(b) Install the gasket to the cylinder head cover.
(c) Install the cylinder head cover with the 8 bolts. Uniformly tighten the bolts in several passes. Install the 2 cylinder head covers.
Torque: 6 Nm (53 inch lbs.)
11. Install exhaust manifolds.
(a) Install 2 new gaskets and the exhaust manifolds with the 12 nuts.
Torque: 40 Nm (30 ft. lbs.)
(b) Install the exhaust manifold heat insulators with the 6 nuts.
Torque: 8 Nm (71 inch lbs.)
12. Install exhaust crossover pipe.
Install 2 new gaskets and the crossover pipe with the 6 nuts.
Torque: 45 Nm (33 ft. lbs.)
13. Install generator bracket.
Torque: 18.5 Nm (14 ft. lbs.)
14. Install oil dipstick and guide.
(a) Install a new O-ring to the dipstick guide.
(b) Apply soapy water to the O-ring.
(c) Push in the dipstick guide end into the guide hole of the oil pan.
(d) Install the dipstick guide with the 2 bolts.
Torque: 8 Nm (71 inch lbs.)
(e) Install the dipstick.
15. Install Power Steering (PS) pump bracket.
Torque: 18.5 Nm (14 ft. lbs.)
16. Install intake manifold assembly.
(a) Install 2 new gaskets and the intake manifold, delivery pipe and injectors assembly with the 8 bolts, 4 plate washers and 4 nuts.
Torque: 18 Nm (13 ft. lbs.)
(b) Install the intake manifold stay with the 2 bolts.
Torque: 18 Nm (13 ft. lbs.)
17. Install fuel pressure regulator.
18. Install No. 3 timing belt cover.
(a) Check that the timing belt cover gaskets have no cracks or peeling, etc. If the gaskets have cracks or peeling etc., replace them using these steps:
(1) Using a screwdriver and gasket scraper, remove all the old gasket material.
(2) Thoroughly clean all components to remove all the loose material.
(3) Remove the backing paper from a new gasket and install the gasket evenly to the part of the timing belt cover shaded black in the illustration.
(b) Install the timing belt cover with the 6 bolts.
Torque: 9 Nm (80 inch lbs.)
19. Install camshaft position sensor.
Torque: 8 Nm (71 inch lbs.)
20. Connect engine wire.
(a) Install the engine wire with the 3 bolts.
(b) Connect the 3 engine wire clamps.
(c) Connect these connectors:
(1) Oil pressure sensor connector.
(2) Crankshaft position sensor connector.
(3) 6 injector connectors.
(4) Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sender gauge connector.
(5) ECT sensor connector.
(6) Knock sensor connector.
(7) Camshaft position sensor connector.
21. Install intake air connector.
(a) Install a new gasket and the intake air connector with the 3 bolts and 2 nuts.
Torque: 18 Nm (13 ft. lbs.)
(b) Connect the Data Link Connector (DLC)1 to the bracket.
(c) Install the ground strap to the intake air connector with the bolt.
(d) Connect the brake booster vacuum hose to the intake air connector.
(e) Connect the 2 fuel return hoses.
(f) Connect the vacuum sensing hose.
(g) Install the bolt holding the engine wire to the intake air connector.
22. Install air intake chamber assembly.
(a) Install a new gasket and the air intake chamber assembly with the 4 bolts and 2 nuts.
Torque: 18 Nm (13 ft. lbs.)
(b) Connect these hoses and these connectors:
(1) 2 Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) hoses.
(2) 2 water bypass hoses.
(3) Air assist hose to throttle body.
(4) Evaporative Emission (EVAP) hose.
(5) Air hose to Power Steering (PS) pump.
(6) Throttle position sensor connector.
(7) Idle Air Control (IAC) valve connector.
(8) Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) gas temperature sensor connector.
(9) Vacuum Switching Valve (VSV) connector for EGR.
(10) Water bypass hose.
23. Install air intake chamber stay.
(a) Install the air intake chamber stay with the 2 bolts.
14 mm head bolt: 40 Nm (30 ft. lbs.)
12 mm head bolt: 18.5 Nm (13 ft. lbs.)
(Automatic transmission):
(b) Install a new O-ring to the oil filler tube.
(c) Apply soapy water to the O-ring.
(d) Push in the oil filler tube end into the tube hole of the oil pan.
(e) Install the oil filler tube and No. 1 throttle cable clamp with the 2 nuts and bolt.
24. Install EGR pipe.
Install 2 new gaskets and the EGR pipe with the 2 nuts and 4 nuts.
Nut A: 18.5 Nm (14 ft. lbs.)
Nut B: 8 Nm (71 inch lbs.)
25. Install generator. Refer to Starting and Charging.
26. Install idler No. 2 pulley, camshaft timing pulleys and timing belt.
27. Connect heater hose and upper radiator hose.
28. Connect cables.
Connect these cables:
(1) Throttle cable. (Automatic transmission).
(2) Accelerator cable.
(3) Cruise control actuator cable.
29. Install spark plugs and high-tension cords with ignition coils. Refer to Powertrain Management.
30. Install Mass Air Flow (MAF) meter, resonator and air cleaner cap assembly.
31. Install front exhaust pipe. Refer to Exhaust System.
32. Fill with engine coolant.
33. Start engine and check for leaks.
34. Check ignition timing. Refer to Powertrain Management.
35. Install engine under cover.
36. Perform road test.
Check for abnormal noise, shock, slippage, correct shift points and smooth operation.
37. Recheck engine coolant level.