Part 2
24. Remove oil pump
a. Stand up the transmission.
b. Remove the 7 bolts holding the oil pump to the transmission case.
c. Using SST 09610 - 20012, remove the oil pump.
d. Remove the race from the oil pump.
e. Remove the O-ring from the oil pump.
25. Remove overdrive planetary gear with overdrive direct clutch and one-way clutch.
a. Remove the overdrive planetary gear with the overdrive direct clutch and one-way clutch from the transmission case.
b. Remove the race and assembled bearing and race.
c. Remove the bearing and race.
d. Remove the overdrive planetary ring gear from the transmission case.
26. Check piston stroke of overdrive brake.
a. Place SST 09350-30020(09350-06120) and a dial indicator onto the overdrive brake piston.
b. Measure the stroke while applying and releasing compressed air (392 - 785 kPa, 4 - 8 kgf-cm2, 57 - 114 psi).
Piston stroke: 1.40 - 1.70 mm (0.0551 - 0.0669 in.)
If the values are non-standard, inspect the disc.
27. Remove flanges, plates and discs of overdrive brake.
a. Using a screwdriver, remove the snap ring.
b. Remove the flanges, plates and discs as a set.
28. Check piston rod stroke of second coast brake.
a. Place a mark on the second coast brake piston rod.
b. Using SST 09350-30020 (09350 - 00020), measure the stroke while applying compressed air (392 - 785 kPa, 4 - 8 kgf-cm2, 57 - 114 psi).
Piston stroke: 1.5 - 3.0 mm (0.059 - 0.118 in.)
If the values are non-standard, inspect the brake band.
29. Remove second coast brake cover, piston assembly and spring.
a. Using SST 09350 - 30020 (09350 - 07060), remove the snap ring.
b. Applying compressed air to the oil hole, remove the second coast brake cover, piston assembly and spring.
c. Remove the 2 O-rings from the cover.
30. Remove overdrive support assembly.
a. Remove the assembled bearing.
b. Remove the 2 bolts holding the overdrive support assembly to the case.
c. Using SST 09350 - 30020 (09350 - 07060), remove the snap ring.
d. Using SST 09350 - 30020 (09350 - 07020), remove the overdrive support assembly.
e. Remove the race.
31. Remove direct clutch with forward clutch.
a. Remove the direct clutch with the forward clutch from the case.
b. Remove the 2 bearings and races.
32. remove second coast brake band.
a. Remove the E-ring from the pin.
b. Remove the pin from the brake band.
c. Remove the second coast brake from the case.
33. Remove front planetary gear unit.
a. Remove the race.
b. Remove the front planetary ring gear from the case.
c. Remove the bearing and race.
d. Remove the race.
e. With wooden blocks or equivalent under the output shaft, stand the transmission on the output shaft.
f. Using SST 09350-30020(09350-07070), remove the snap ring.
g. Remove the front planetary gear from the case.
h. Using a screwdriver, remove the bearing and race from the front planetary gear.
34. Remove planetary sun gear with No.1 one -way clutch.
35. Check pack clearance of second brake.
Using a feeler gauge, measure the clearance between the snap ring and flange.
Pack clearance: 0.62 - 1.98 mm (0.0244 - 0.0780 in.)
If the values are non-standard, inspect the disc.
36. Remove flange, plates and discs of second brake.
a. Using a screwdriver, remove the snap ring.
b. Remove the flange, plates and discs as a set.
37. Check pack clearance of first and reverse brake.
Using a feeler gauge, measure the clearance between the plate and second brake drum.
Pack clearance: 0.60 - 1.12 mm (0.0244 - 0.0441 in.)
If the values are non-standard, inspect the discs.
38. Remove second brake piston sleeve.
39. Remove rear planetary gear with second brake drum, first and reverse brake pack and output shaft.
a. Using SST 09350 - 30020 (09350 - 07060), and 2 screwdrivers, remove the snap ring.
b. Remove the rear planetary gear, second brake drum, first and reverse brake pack and output shaft as an assembly.
c. Remove the assembled thrust bearing and race from the case.
d. Remove the second brake drum assembly.
e. Remove the cushion plate, flange, plates and discs of the first and reverse brake.
40. Remove leaf spring.
41. Remove brake drum gasket.
42. Check piston stroke of first and reverse brake.
Make sure the first and reverse brake pistons move smoothly when applying and releasing the compressed air into the transmission case.
43. Remove components of first and reverse brake piston.
a. Set SST 09350 - 30020 (09350 - 07050) on the spring retainer, and compress the return spring.
b. Remove the snap ring with snap ring pliers.
c. Remove the piston return spring.
d. Hold the No.2 first and reverse brake piston with hand, apply compressed air to the transmission case to remove the No.2 first and reverse brake piston.
e. Remove the No.2 first and reverse brake piston.
If the piston does not pop out with compressed air, lift the position out with needle-nose pliers.
f. Remove the O-ring from the No.2 piston.
g. Install SST 09350 - 30020 (09350 - 07080) behind the reaction sleeve and gradually lift it out on the transmission case.
h. Remove the O-ring from the reaction sleeve.
i. Install SST 09350 - 30020 (09350 - 07090) behind the No.1 brake piston and gradually lift it out of the transmission case.
j. Remove the 2 O-rings from the No.1 piston.