Cruise Control: Description and Operation
The current from the STOP fuse to TERMINAL 3 of the stop light SW to TERMINAL 4 to TERMINAL L of the cruise control actuator with ECU and to TERMINAL 2 of the stop light SW.Turning the ignition SW ON, current flows through the GAUGE fuse to TERMINAL 12 of the cruise control indicator light. The current flowing through the ECU-IG fuse flows to TERMINAL +B of the cruise control actuator with ECU.
When turning the ignition SW and cruise control SW ON, a signal will be input from TERMINAL 5 of the cruise control SW to TERMINAL CMS of the cruise control actuator with ECU. With this operation, the cruise control actuator with ECU will operate and the current loaded ON TERMINAL +B of the cruise control actuator with ECU flows through TERMINAL GND of the cruise control actuator with ECU to GROUND and the cruise control system will become ready to operate. Simultaneously, the current flowing through the GAUGE fuse flows through TERMINAL 12 of the cruise control indicator light to TERMINAL 13 to TERMINAL PI of the cruise control actuator with ECU to TERMINAL GND to GROUND, and cruise control indicator light comes ON and indicate that the cruise control is ready to operate.
Cruise control actuator with ECU will be input the signals from the ABS speed sensors and each switch and process them according to the program memorized advance and output the control signal to the magnet clutch and motor of the actuator in the cruise control actuator with ECU and the engine control module.
When running vehicle speed is within the set rate (About 40 kph, 25 mph 200 kph, 124 mph), turning the cruise control SW ON and pressing the set SW, the signal will be input to the TERMINAL CCS of the cruise control actuator with ECU, and the cruise control actuator with ECU will memorize the vehicle speed as the set vehicle speed at the time of releasing hands from set SW.
During cruise control driving, the cruise control actuator with ECU compares this memorized vehicle speed with running vehicle speed input from the speedometer to TERMINAL SPD of the cruise control actuator with ECU, and in order to hold the set vehicle speed, it controls the actuator inside the cruise control actuator with ECU.
Comparing the memorized vehicle speed with running vehicle speed, in case that the running vehicle speed is higher than the memorized vehicle speed, the cruise control actuator with ECU turns the throttle valve to close and returns the throttle cable to decrease the vehicle speed.
Turning the actuator motor, in the case that the running vehicle speed is lower than the memorized vehicle speed, the cruise control actuator with ECU turns the throttle valve to open and pulls the throttle cable to increase the vehicle speed.
During cruise control driving, while the coast SW is ON, the cruise control actuator returns the throttle cable to close the throttle valve and decrease the driving speed. The vehicle speed when the coast SW is turned OFF is memorized and the vehicle continues at the new set speed.
During cruise control driving while the accel SW is turned ON, the cruise control actuator pulls the throttle cable to open the throttle valve and increase the driving speed.
The vehicle speed when the accel SW is turned OFF is memorized and the vehicle continues at the new set speed.
After canceling with the cancel SW during the normal speed driving, if the vehicle speed is less than the low speed limit (40 kph, 25 mph), by turning the resume SW ON, it causes to return to the set vehicle speed before canceling.
If any of the following operation during cruise control driving, the motor safety magnet clutch of the actuator will turn OFF and the motor will turn to the direction to close the throttle valve and the cruise control will be canceled.
* Move the shift lever except to D range. (Park/Neutral position SW is OFF.) (A/T) "A signal is not input to TERMINAL D of the cruise control actuator with ECU."
* Pressing the clutch pedal. (Cruise control clutch SW is OFF.) (M/T) "A signal is not input to TERMINAL D of the cruise control actuator with ECU."
* Pressing the brake pedal. (Stop light SW is ON.) "A signal is input to TERMINAL STP- of the cruise control actuator with ECU."
* Pressing cancel SW. (Cancel SW is ON.) "A signal is input to TERMINAL CCS of the cruise control actuator with ECU."
A. During cruise control driving, in the case that the vehicle has become the following condition, delete the memorized vehicle speed and cancel the cruise control. At the same time until turning the cruise SW ON next time, the cruise control indicator light is flashing and will inhibit committing the cruise SW until turning the ignition SW ON again.
* When the motor inside the cruise control actuator with ECU does not operate.
* When the driving circuit of the motor inside the cruise control actuator with ECU is short or open
B. During cruise control driving, in the case that the vehicle has become the following condition, delete the memorized vehicle speed and cancel the control. At the same time, until turning the cruise SW ON next time, the cruise control indicator light is flashing and will inhibit the control until turning the cruise SW ON again.
* When the magnet clutch system (Safety magnetic clutch) is short.
* When the magnet clutch system (Safety magnetic clutch) has a wire break, (including the wire break of STOP fuse)
* When the vehicle speed signal will not be input.
* When each signal inside the cruise control SW has grounding short.
C. During cruise control driving in case that the vehicle comes into the following condition, delete the memorized vehicle speed and cancel the control reset is possible.
* When running speed has become less than the lowest limit (approx. 40 kph, 25 mph) of the possible range of the speed setting.
* During cruise control driving and when running speed has become the overdrive cut vehicle speed or less (Memorized vehicle speed 4 kph, 2.5 mph) ON a climbing lane and the likes, overdrive will be canceled promptly. This function works to increase the driving ability of the vehicle and makes the drop of vehicle speed small.
* After canceling the overdrive, in case that driving speed has become the overdrive returning speed (Memorized vehicle speed 2 kph, 1.2 mph) or more and also judges that climbing was over, return it to the overdrive condition and the overdrive return timer has been through.