Drive Belt: Testing and Inspection
INSPECT DRIVE BELTa. Visually check the belt for excessive wear, frayed cords etc.
- If any defect has been found, replace the drive belt.
- Cracks on the rib side of a belt are considered acceptable.
If the belt has chunks missing from the ribs, it should be replaced.
b. Check that it fits properly in the ribbed grooves.
HINT: Check with your hand to confirm that the belt has not slipped out of the groove on the bottom of the pulley.
HINT: As the belt tensioner coordinates belt tension automatically by its mechanism, you do not need to adjust it by yourself.
a. Check that the indicator mark on the automatic tensioner is within the A range as shown in the illustration.
b. When the mark is out of the standard range, replace the V belt with a new one.