Crankshaft Main Bearing
Crankshaft Bearing Cap BoltsApply a light coat of engine oil on the threads and under the heads of the bearing cap bolts.
Install the 10 crankshaft bearing cap bolts.
HINT: If any one of the bearing cap bolts is broken or deformed, replace it.
- Uniformly tighten the 10 crankshaft bearing cap bolts in several passes in the sequence shown in the illustration.
Torque: 27 Nm (275 kgf-cm, 20 ft-lbf)
If any of the bearing cap bolts cannot meet the torque specification, replace the bearing cap bolt.
- Mark the front of the crankshaft bearing cap bolts with paint.
- Tighten the crankshaft bearing cap bolts another 90° as shown in the illustration.
- Check that the painted marks are now at a 90° angle to the front.
Check that the crankshaft turns smoothly.