Cruise Control - Laser Beam Adjustment Supplement
T-SB-0052-11June 1, 2011
Repair Manual Supplement: Laser Cruise Control Beam Adjustment
Service Category
Engine/Hybrid System
Cruise Control
When the laser cruise control sensor is removed from the vehicle for inspection or repair it is necessary to adjust the laser beam axis after the operation. Use the following procedure to perform laser cruise control beam axis adjustments.
Required Tools & Equipment
Tools & Materials
Warranty Information
Preparation Procedure
1. Preparation for Adjusting the Laser Beam Axis:
A. Adjust the tire pressure properly.
Refer to the tire pressure information label located in the door jamb for proper tire inflation or refer to the Owner's Manual.
B. Make sure that the trunk and passenger compartment is unloaded.
C. Clean the light-luminous and light-receiving portions of the laser sensor.
D. Prepare a 10 m (33 ft) string, a 1.5 m (5 ft) string with a sharp-pointed weight, and a standard tape measure at least 5 m (16.4 ft) in length.
2. Reflector (SST) Placement:
A. Measure the height to the center of the laser luminous portion as shown in Figure 2.
B. Adjust the center height of the reflector (SST PIN: 09870-60000) 9 mm (0.35 in.) higher than the measurement taken for the center of the luminous portion of the laser sensor.
SST P/N: 09870-60000
C. From the center of the front and rear bumpers hang down the sharp-pointed weight and mark the center points of the vehicle on the ground (both front and rear).
D. Attach one end of the string to the rear center mark and adjust the other end so that the string will line up with the front center mark of the vehicle. Make a mark 5 m (16.41 ft) from the front of the vehicle on the center line.
E. Place the reflector 478 mm to the left of the vehicle center line 5 m from the front of the vehicle.
Perform the reflector placement as precisely as possible.
Laser Cruise Flag (LLC Option Flag) Setting Procedure
1. Connect TIS Techstream to DLC3 and turn the power "ON:"
2. Operate by following the screen menus and select "DATA LIST" from the Laser Cruise Menu and then press "ENTER:"
3. Review the Data List setting for "LC OPTION FLAG:"
4. If the "LC OPTION FLAG" is set to "YES," please proceed to the Adjustment Procedure.
5. If the "LC OPTION FLAG" is set to "NO," perform the following option selection procedure:
^ Turn the ignition switch to the "ON" position.
^ Turn the cruise control switch to the "ON" position.
^ Depress, and hold, the brake pedal.
^ Cycle the cruise control switch to the "Resume/Accel" position 3 times within 3 seconds.
A beep sound will be heard from the vehicle when the "L/C OPTION FLAG" selection has been performed correctly.
6. Once the "L/C Option Flag" selection has been performed correctly, verify that the Data List display shows the "LC OPTION FLAG" set to "YES:"
^ If the "Option Flag" is NOT set to "YES" in the Data List after performing the "L/C OPTION FLAG" selection procedure and the beep is heard, perform the "INITIALIZATION" option from the "LASER CRUISE" menu on TIS Techstream.
^ Once TIS Techstream has completed the initialization procedure, perform the "L/C OPTION FLAG" selection procedure again as indicated above.
Laser Beam Axis Adjustment Procedure
1. Turn the headlight switch to the "OFF" position.
2. Turn the ignition switch to "ON:"
3. Push the cruise control main switch button "ON:"
4. Connect TIS Techstream to DLC3 and turn the power "ON:"
The headlight switch must be in the "OFF" position before performing beam axis adjustment.
If the light switch is in the "TAIL," "HEADLIGHT" or "AUTO" position, the beam axis adjustment may fail.
5. Select Connect to Vehicle.
6. Under System Selection Menu in the System Select tab, select Laser Cruise.
7. Select Utility
8. Select Beam Axis Adjustment and proceed to the next screen.
9. Follow the TIS Techstream display, and continue with the adjustment.
10. A. Check that Upper Side or Lower Side is displayed in area A.
B. Check that Left Side or Right Side is displayed in area B.
C. Check that an angle value between 0.0 and 6.3 is displayed in area C.
11. Move the reflector either to the right or left by approximately 100 mm (4 in.), and check that both the "UPPER/LOWER SIDE" and the "LEFT/RIGHT SIDE" values are changing.
When the angle values do NOT change:
^ It is possible that the direction of the laser radar sensor is greatly off target and that the laser radar sensor is aiming at something other than the target.
^ Check the installation condition of the laser radar sensor and bumper reinforcement. Frontal damage to the vehicle may affect sensor aim.
^ Move the reflector closer to the vehicle and from left to right until the angle values begin to fluctuate. Note the position in which the angle values began to fluctuate and recheck the installation of the laser radar sensor.
12. Return the reflector to the previously measured position and read the current angle. The Divergence values should be within the standard values listed below.
Standard Values for Divergence:
If values are 0.0, it may be difficult to confirm when adjustment is completed (see step 15).
13. If the values are NOT within the Divergence range shown above or the values are not displayed, it is not possible to operate Beam Axis Adjustment. In this case, mechanically adjust the direction of the radar sensor by adjustment bolts A and B to make the values within the standard value ranges. (For detailed information of mechanical adjustment see "Mechanical Adjustment Method" at the end of this TSB.
14. Turn the headlight dimmer switch from the OFF position to the TAIL position (e.g., parking, tail license plate, side marker, and instrument panel lights) while the "LASER CRUISE DIVERGENCE DATA" screen is still shown on the Techstream.
15. When the adjustment is completed, the Upper/Lower Side and Right/Left Side indicators show 0 and the system beeps for 10 seconds. During this time, Upper/Lower Side and Left/right Side flash alternately on the screen.
If the angle indicators do NOT show "0" and the system beep is NOT heard, verify that the current divergence angles are within the Standard Values for Divergence listed in the table in step 12. If the value is out of range, go to step I and repeat the adjustment procedure.
16. Select "NEXT" on Techstream to complete the adjustment procedure.
Mechanical Adjustment Method
1. Adjust the direction of the radar with adjustment bolts A and B until the values are between 0.0 and the Standard Values for Divergence shown in step 12. Move the reflector from the default position as necessary (Upper/Lower Right/Left) to find the reflector position where the current angle can be read using the Techstream. Adjust the direction of the reflector in the inverse of the direction moved by adjustment bolts A and B until the values are within the standard value ranges.