How To Use This Information
How To Use This InformationThis information provides details on the electrical circuits installed on vehicles by dividing them into a circuit for each system.
The actual wiring of each system circuit is shown from the point where the power source is received from the battery as far as each ground point. (All circuit diagrams are shown with the switches in the OFF position.)
When troubleshooting any problem, first understand the operation of the circuit where the problem was detected, the power source supplying power to that circuit, and the ground points.
When the circuit operation is understood, begin troubleshooting of the problem circuit to isolate the cause. Use Relay Location and Electrical Wiring Routing sections to find each part, junction block and wiring harness connectors, wiring harness and wiring harness connectors and ground points of each system circuit. Internal wiring for each junction block is also provided for better understanding of connection within a junction block.
Wiring related to each system is indicated in each system circuit by arrows (from__, to__). When overall connections are required, see the Overall Electrical Wiring Diagram.
[A] : System Title
[B] : Indicates a Relay Block. No shading is used and only the Relay Block No. is shown to distinguish it from the J/B
Example: (1) Indicates Relay Block No.1
[C] : ( ) is used to indicate different wiring and connector, etc. when the vehicle model, engine type, or specification is different.
[D] : Indicates related system.
[E] : Indicates the wiring harness and wiring harness connector. The wiring harness with male terminal is shown with arrows (Down Arrow).
The first letter of the code for each wiring harness and wiring harness connector(s) indicates the component's location, e.g, "E" for the Engine Compartment, "I" for the Instrument Panel and Surrounding area, and "B" for the Body and Surrounding area.
When more than one code has the first and second letters in common, followed by numbers (e.g, IH1, IH2), this indicates the same type of wiring harness and wiring harness connector.
[F] : Represents a part (all parts are shown in sky blue). The code is the same as the code used in parts position.
[G] : Junction Block (The number in the circle is the J/B No. and the connector code is shown beside it). Junction Blocks are shaded to clearly separate them from other parts.
[H] : Indicates the wiring color.
[I] : Indicates a wiring Splice Point
[J] : Indicates a shielded cable.
[K] : Indicates the pin number of the connector.
The numbering system is different for female and male connectors.
[L] : Indicates a ground point.
The first letter of the code for each ground point(s) indicates the component s location, e.g, "E" for the Engine Compartment, "I" for the Instrument Panel and Surrounding area, and "B" for the Body and Surrounding area.
[M] : Page No.
[N] : Indicates the ignition key position(s) when the power is supplied to the fuse(s).
[O] : Indicates the reference showing the position on the vehicle of the parts in the system circuit.
Example: Part "L4" (Light Failure Sensor).
*The letter in the code is from the first letter of the part, and the number indicates its order in parts starting with that letter.
[P] : Indicates the reference showing the position on the vehicle of Relay Block Connectors in the system circuit.
Example : Connector "1" is described and is installed on the left side of the instrument panel.
[Q] : Indicates the reference showing the position on the vehicle of J/B and Wire Harness in the system circuit.
Example : Connector "3C" connects the Instrument Panel Wire and J/B No.3. It is described and is installed on the instrument panel left side.
[R] : Indicates the reference describing the wiring harness and wiring harness connector (the female wiring harness is shown first, followed by the male wiring harness).
Example : Connector "IE1" connects the floor wire (female) and Instrument panel wire (male). It is described and is installed on the left side kick panel.
[S] : Indicates the reference showing the position of the ground points on the vehicle.
Example : Ground point "BO" is described and is installed on the back panel center.
[A] : Indicates connector to be connected to a part. (The numeral indicates the pin No.)
[B] : Junction Connector
Indicates a connector which is connected to a short terminal.
Junction connector include a short terminal which is connected to a number of wire harnesses. Always perform inspection with the short terminal installed.
[C] : Parts Code
The first letter of the code is taken from the first letter of part, and the numbers indicates its order in parts which start with the same letter.
[D] : Connector Color
Connectors not indicated are milky white in color.
[E] : Indicates the connector shapes which are used to join wire harnesses.
On Left : Female connector shapes
On Right : Male connector shapes
Numbers indicate pin numbers.
[F] : Indicates connector colors. (Connectors with not indicated colors are white)