(a) Warm up and stop the engine.
(1) Allow the engine to warm up to a normal operating temperature.
(b) When using the Techstream:
(1) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3.
(2) Start the engine and idle it.
(3) Push the Techstream main switch ON.
(4) Enter the following menus: Powertrain / Engine and ECT / Data List / Primary / IGN Advance.
Refer to the Techstream operator's manual for further details.
Standard ignition timing:
8 to 12° BTDC @ idle (transmission in neutral and A/C switch OFF)
(5) Disconnect the Techstream from the DLC3.
(c) When not using the Techstream:
(1) Connect the tester probe of a timing light to the wire of the ignition coil connector for the No. 1 cylinder.
Use a timing light that detects primary signals.
(2) Using SST, connect terminals 13 (TC) and 4 (CG) of the DLC3.
SST : 09843-18040
* Confirm the terminal numbers before connecting them. Connecting the wrong terminals can damage the engine.
* Switch off all accessories and the A/C before connecting the terminals.
(3) Using the timing light, check the ignition timing.
Standard ignition timing:
8 to 12° BTDC @ idle (transmission in neutral and A/C switch OFF)
(4) Remove SST from the DLC3.
(5) Check the ignition timing.
Standard ignition timing:
7 to 24° BTDC @ idle (transmission in neutral and A/C switch OFF)
(6) Disconnect the timing light from the engine.
(a) Warm up and stop the engine.
(1) Allow the engine to warm up to a normal operating temperature.
(b) When using the Techstream:
(1) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3.
Switch off all accessories and the A/C before connecting the Techstream.
(2) Race the engine at 2500 rpm for approximately 90 seconds.
(3) Push the Techstream main switch ON.
(4) Enter the following menus: Powertrain / Engine and ECT / Data List / Primary / Engine Speed.
Standard idle speed:
650 to 750 rpm (transmission in neutral and A/C switch OFF)
Refer to the Techstream operator's manual for further details.
If the idle speed is not as specified, check the air intake system.
(5) Disconnect the Techstream from the DLC3.
(c) When not using the Techstream:
(1) Using SST, connect the tachometer probe to terminal 9 (TAC) of the DLC3.
SST : 09843-18030
* Confirm the terminal number before connecting the probe. Connecting the probe to the wrong terminal can damage the engine.
* Switch off all accessories and the A/C before connecting the probe.
(2) Race the engine at 2500 rpm for approximately 90 seconds.
(3) Check the idle speed.
Standard idle speed:
650 to 750 rpm (transmission in neutral and A/C switch OFF)
If the idle speed is not as specified, check the air intake system.
(4) Disconnect the tachometer probe from the DLC3.
(a) Warm up and stop the engine.
(1) Allow the engine to warm up to a normal operating temperature.
(b) Remove the V-bank cover.
(c) Remove the air cleaner hose assembly.
(d) Remove the air cleaner cap.
(e) Disconnect the 2 injector connectors and 8 ignition coil connectors.
(f) Remove the 8 bolts and 8 ignition coils.
(g) Remove the 8 spark plugs.
(h) Check the cylinder compression pressure.
Check each cylinder's compression pressure in the same way.
(1) Insert a compression gauge into the spark plug hole.
(2) Fully open the throttle.
(3) While cranking the engine, measure the compression pressure.
Standard compression pressure:
1300 kPa (13.3 kgf/cm2, 189 psi)
Minimum pressure:
1000 kPa (10.2 kgf/cm2, 145 psi) or more
Difference between each cylinder:
100 kPa (1.0 kgf/cm2, 15 psi) or less
* Always use a fully charged battery to obtain an engine speed of 250 rpm or more.
* This measurement must be done as quickly as possible.
(4) If the cylinder compression is low in one or more cylinders, pour a small amount of engine oil into the cylinder with low compression through its spark plug hole. Then inspect the cylinder compression pressure again.
* If adding oil helps boost the compression, it is likely that the piston rings and/or cylinder bore are worn or damaged.
* If pressure stays low, a valve may be stuck or seated improperly, or there may be leakage in the gasket.
(i) Install the 8 spark plugs.
(j) Install the 8 ignition coils with the 8 bolts.
(k) Connect the 2 injector connectors and 8 ignition coil connectors.
(l) Install the air cleaner cap.
(m) Install the air cleaner hose.
(n) Install the V-bank cover.
This check is used only to determine whether or not the idle CO/ HC complies with regulations.
(a) Start the engine.
(b) Keep the engine speed at 2500 rpm for approximately 180 seconds.
(c) Insert the CO/HC meter testing probe at least 40 cm (1.31 ft.) into the tailpipe during idling.
(d) Immediately check CO/HC concentration at idle and/or 2500 rpm.
When performing the 2 mode (2500 rpm and idle) test, follow the measurement order prescribed by the applicable local regulations.
(e) If the CO/HC concentration does not comply with the regulations, troubleshoot in the order given below.
(1) Check the A/F sensor operation Component Tests and General Diagnostics and heated oxygen sensor operation Component Tests and General Diagnostics.
(2) See the table below for possible causes, and then inspect and correct the applicable causes if necessary.