INSTALLING DRIVE BELT1. If you have not already done so, lock the camshaft and the injection pump in the No. 1 cylinder TDC positions as instructed in Removal Procedure.
2. Check that the TDC mark on the flywheel is still correctly aligned with the pointer.
3. Loosen the camshaft sprocket bolt one turn. Then loosen the sprocket from the camshaft tapered end by tapping the sprocket with a rubber hammer.
4. Check that the injection pump sprocket is still locked in place. Install the drive belt so that there is no slack between the camshaft sprocket and the injection pump sprocket (via the intermediate shaft pulley) and the crankshaft sprocket. Then tighten the tension adjuster just enough to keep the belt firmly in place.
5. Remove the special locking pin from the injector pump sprocket.
Timing Belt Tension Tester:
6. Install the belt tensioner tester, VW 210, as illustrated. Then, by turning the tension adjuster one way or the other, tension the belt so that the tension tester reads 12 to 13. When the tension is correct, torque the tensioner locknut to 45 Nm (33 ft. lb.).
Illustration shows Drive belt tension tester, VW 210. installed on engine.
7. Torque the camshaft sprocket bolt to 45 Nm (33 ft. lb.). Then remove the locking tool from the camshaft.
8. Turn the crankshaft two full turns in the direction of normal crankshaft rotation (clockwise at the drive belt end). Strike the belt once with a rubber hammer between the camshaft sprocket and the injection pump sprocket. Then recheck the tension and, if necessary, correct it.
9. Check and, if necessary, correct the injection pump timing.
10. The remainder of installation is the reverse of removal. By pulling the alternator away from the engine, adjust the V-belt tension so that you can depress the V-belt 2 mm (.078 in.) on a new belt, or 5 mm (.197 in.) on a used belt, at a point midway between the alternator pulley and the crankshaft pulley. Torque the alternator mounting bolt to 25 Nm (18 ft. lb.) and the bolt for the alternator adjusting bracket to 20 Nm (15 ft. lb.).