Engine: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Place temperature control lever in warm position, then remove cap from coolant expansion tank.
3. Remove power steering pump drive belt cover, then loosen pump and position aside, leaving lines attached.
4. Remove front grille, then the radiator cover.
5. Disconnect radiator lower hose and drain cooling system.
6. Remove front bumper with energy absorber.
7. Disconnect vacuum hoses from intake manifold, then remove upper radiator hose.
8. Disconnect coolant hose from thermostat housing.
9. Disconnect hose from heater pipe and drain residual coolant.
10. Disconnect electrical connectors from oil pressure switch, control pressure regulator and thermo-time switches.
11. Disconnect ground wire from valve cover, then remove control pressure regulator, leaving fuel lines attached.
12. Remove circlip and disconnect ball joint from pushrod.
13. Remove alternator drive belt, then unfasten alternator and bracket and position aside.
14. Loosen clamps and remove intake air duct.
15. Disconnect electrical connectors from cold start valve, throttle switch, frequency valve, idle stabilizer valve, oxygen sensor and hall sender at distributor.
16. Remove snap ring and disconnect accelerator rod.
17. Remove distributor cap, then disconnect injection cooling hose.
18. Remove injectors, leaving fuel lines attached, then disconnect vacuum hose from thermo-pneumatic valve.
19. Remove fuel distributor with air filter housing and position aside with injectors, control pressure regulator and cold start valve.
20. Remove air filter housing.
21. Disconnect coolant hoses from transmission oil cooler and the heater hose.
22. Remove pipe bracket with transaxle-to-engine attaching bolt.
23. Remove air conditioner compressor drive belt and disconnect compressor clutch wire.
24. Attach engine support No. 2084 or equivalent, then remove crankshaft bolt.
25. Remove two crankshaft pulley bolts and loosen bolts. Tap lightly against remaining two bolts, then remove bolts and the pulley.
26. Remove front engine mount, then disconnect exhaust pipe from exhaust manifold.
27. Loosen air conditioner compressor and bracket, then position aside leaving refrigerant lines connected.
28. Remove exhaust pipe support attaching bolt.
29. Remove both front subframe attaching bolts.
30. Remove starter motor, then the torque converter attaching bolts.
31. Remove lower transaxle-to-engine attaching bolts, then disconnect shift rod clip.
32. Remove rubber plugs from side member, then attach tool VW-785/1 or equivalent to support transaxle.
33. Remove engine mount attaching nuts.
34. Remove upper transaxle-to-engine attaching bolts, leaving the most easily accessible bolt installed.
35. Attach suitable lifting equipment to engine and lift engine slightly.
36. Remove remaining transaxle-to-engine attaching bolt and separate engine from transaxle.
37. Carefully lift engine out of vehicle.
38. Reverse procedure to install.