Distributor: Specifications
Firing Order 1-2-4-5-3
Idle Speed
California 880 - 1000 rpm
Non-California 850 - 1000 rpm
Manual 775 - 925 rpm
Ignition Timing (vacuum hoses connected)
Automatic 3° +/- 2° ATDC
Manual 6° +/- 2° BTDC
Centrifugal Advance
5° - 11° 1600 rpm
15° - 20° 2200 rpm
22° - 26° 3200 rpm
23° - 29° 6100 rpm
26° - 30° 7000 rpm
Vacuum Advance 10° - 14°
Vacuum Retard 8° - 10°
Spark Plugs
Bosch WR7DS
Beru RS35
Champion N8GY
Spark Plug Gap 0.7 - 0.8 mm (0.028 - 0.032 in)
Ignition Coil Resistance
Between terminals 1 and 15 0.52 - 0.76 ohms
Between terminals 1 and 4 2400 - 3500 ohms