Engine: Service and Repair
Engine and transaxle is removed as an assembly and is lowered out of vehicle.
1. Disconnect battery ground cable and drain cooling system.
2. Disconnect fuel filter from body and position aside.
3. Disconnect electrical connectors from radiator fan motor and thermoswitch.
4. Remove expansion hose from expansion tank.
5. Remove radiator side retainer nuts, disconnect upper and lower radiator hoses, then remove radiator assembly from vehicle.
6. Disconnect vacuum hose from brake booster pump, if equipped.
7. Disconnect electrical connector, then remove alternator attaching bolts and the alternator.
8. Disconnect wires at fuel shut-off solenoid, glow plugs, oil pressure switch and coolant temperature switch.
9. Disconnect heater hoses from engine and fuel inlet and return lines from injection pump.
10. Disconnect accelerator cable from injection pump lever, then remove accelerator cable and bracket from injection pump body.
11. Disconnect cold start cable from injection pump, remove attaching clip from cable bracket and slide cable out of bracket.
12. If equipped with A/C, remove compressor as follows:
a. Remove timing belt cover, loosen belt tensioner and remove timing belt.
b. Loosen injection pump sprocket retaining nut slightly, and carefully apply pressure to sprocket using a suitable puller.
c. Tap center bolt of puller to loosen sprocket from pump shaft, then remove puller and sprocket.
d. Disconnect fuel lines from injection pump, plug lines and open fittings, and remove pump from bracket.
e. Remove A/C drive belt tensioner, water pump pulley and drive belts.
f. Remove washer pump reservoir and set aside.
g. Disconnect wiring harness from compressor, remove compressor mounting bolts, remove compressor leaving refrigerant lines connected, and secure aside.
h. Remove compressor mounting brackets from engine.
13. Disconnect wires from starter solenoid and back-up light switch, then remove ground strap on transaxle.
14. Loosen clutch cable locknut, then remove retaining clip and clutch cable from clutch lever.
15. Remove speedometer cable attaching clamp, then disconnect speedometer cable.
16. Remove upper starter bolt and exhaust flex pipe attaching bolts.
17. Remove nut from transaxle relay shaft, then disconnect lever.
18. Disconnect both driveshafts from transaxle drive flanges.
19. Remove lower starter bolt, then the starter.
20. Remove horn assembly and position aside.
21. Remove front mount cup bolts, then the front mount and cup.
22. Remove oil filter.
23. Remove left and right axle shaft retaining nuts from bearing housing assemblies.
24. Remove right side ball joint lock bolt, then separate ball joint from bearing housing. Repeat procedure for left side.
25. Pull right wheel and strut assembly away from vehicle and remove driveshaft. Repeat procedure for left side.
26. Connect ball joints to bearing housings, then remove rear transaxle mount.
27. Remove right front wheel and tire assembly, then attach tool US1105 or equivalent, to engine and lift slightly.
28. Disconnect gearshift lever rod from selector shaft lever, then remove relay shaft complete with gearshift lever rod.
29. Disconnect selector rod from relay lever.
30. Remove bolts holding right and left side mounts to body.
31. Lower engine/transaxle assembly onto dolly, raise vehicle and remove assembly out from underneath vehicle.
32. Reverse procedure to install. Ensure rear mount is straight and left and right mounts are centered in brackets.