Shift Linkage: Adjustments
Selector lever cable must not be kinked or bent. Corrosion on cable end or outer cable should be removed. Lubricate parts lightly after installation.
1. Shift into P (make sure that lever is fully engaged).
2. Loosen clamp screw nut on selector lever.
3. Move transaxle lever to left and tighten clamp nut to 8 Nm (69 inch lbs).
4. Press lever on transaxle to left in P position and clamp cable.
Exc. E-Mode Transaxle
1. Ensure engine is at normal operating temperature, place transaxle in park and set parking brake.
2. Loosen nuts securing accelerator pedal cable, then remove cable from bracket and transaxle lever.
3. Loosen nuts securing throttle cable to bracket, push throttle cable sleeve away from operating lever until there is no play in cable and hold in this position. Throttle valve must remain closed and accelerator/transaxle linkage must be in ``no throttle'' position.
4. With slack removed from cable, tighten adjusting nut (nut closest to cable end) against bracket, then torque locknut to 9 Nm (89 inch lbs.) to secure adjustment.
5. Install accelerator pedal cable and have helper hold accelerator pedal against floor stop.
6. Hold transaxle lever against kickdown stop and tighten pedal cable adjusting nut until slack is removed from cable.
7. Release accelerator pedal, then fully depress pedal and ensure that transaxle lever contacts kickdown stop.
8. When adjustment is correct, tighten accelerator pedal cable locknut.
E-Mode Transaxle
1. Ensure engine is at normal operating temperature and that idle and maximum engine speeds are within specifications, then place transaxle in park and set parking brake.
2. Remove injection pump cover, loosen accelerator pedal cable adjuster and disconnect cable.
3. Remove retaining clip and disconnect socket from ball stud on injection pump lever.
4. Reposition ball stud on pump lever, as needed, so that travel of stud is 31-33 mm (1.219-1.299 inch) between idle and full throttle stop.
5. Remove rubber boot and loosen adjusting nuts on throttle cable.
6. Hold transaxle lever in closed throttle position, push throttle cable housing away from operating lever. Ensure engagement spring is not compressed, then secure adjustment by tightening adjusting nuts against bracket.
7. Attach ball socket to pump lever stud and connect accelerator pedal cable to lever.
8. Have helper hold accelerator pedal against floor stop, tighten pedal cable adjusting nut until transaxle lever contacts kickdown stop. Ensure kickdown spring is compressed.
9. Tighten pedal cable locknut, ensure pedal is at stop and cable is free of tension.
10. Check adjustment as follows:
a. With accelerator pedal released, hold pump lever against idle stop. Transaxle lever should be in ``no throttle'' position.
b. Hold accelerator pedal in full throttle position (no kickdown). Pump lever should be against full throttle stop, but kickdown engagement spring should not be compressed.
c. Hold accelerator pedal against floor stop. Transaxle lever should be against kickdown stop and kickdown spring should be compressed.