Replacement Batteries - Determining If Cover Is Required
October 31, 1989
Golf, Jetta, m.y. 1985-present
Replacement batteries, determining if a cover is required (Supersedes 89-02, dated August 11, 1989)
Two types of batteries have been installed in the Golf/Jetta since the start of production in 1985. Use the following type identification to determine if a battery requires a cover.
^ install a cover on this style of battery Part No. 281 915 411 G
^ normal maintenance style battery with vented caps
Reinstall this cover after removal, and replace it if damaged.
The battery cover is designed to prevent electrolyte vapor and water from accumulating during normal vehicle operation. If left uncovered these liquids can accumulate and spill, damaging components and finish.
^ a cover is NOT required on this style of battery
^ low maintenance style battery with sealed caps and side vents
Part numbers are for reference only. Always check with your Parts Department for latest information.