1. Disconnect battery ground cable.2. Disconnect the ground strap from the transaxle.
3. Disconnect the electrical connector from the reverse/upshift light switch at the top of the transaxle.
4. Disconnect speedometer cable from the transmission, then plug all openings to prevent contamination.
5. Remove clutch cable at clutch release lever and transmission housing.
6. Loosen the left front wheel lug bolts. Then lift the vehicle, making sure it is supported properly, and remove the left front wheel.
7. Remove the starter.
8. Remove the short selector rod and the long connecting link from the two relay levers of the shift linkage.
Engine Support Tool:
9. Except 16-Valve engine, install engine support bar 10-222A or equivalent onto engine. Increase the tension until it supports the weight of the engine.
10. On 16-Valve engine, install engine support bar 10-222A and 3180 or equivalent. The engine stabilization valve must be removed from intake manifold, before installing tool 3180.
11. Remove the upper bolts that hold the transaxle to the engine.
Right Rear Engine Mount:
12. Remove the three bolts "a" from the right rear engine mount.
Left Transaxle Mount:
13. Remove the center bolt "a" from the left rear transaxle mount, then remove the two bolts and nuts holding the mount's support arm to the transmission.
14. Detach the drive axles from the transaxle drive flanges.
CAUTION: Suspend the drive axles from the car body with wire hooks to avoid damaging the outer CV joint.
15. Remove the left wheelhousing liner mounting screws and washers, and remove the wheelhousing liner.
Clutch Cover Plate Bolts:
16. Remove bolts "1" from the clutch cover plate (the cover plate will remain on the engine when the transaxle is removed).
17. Remove bolts "2" from the small cover plate which are located behind the left drive flange.
18. Place the transmission jack with adapter beneath the transaxle. Raise the jack just enough to support the transaxle. Do not raise the engine.
19. On 16 valve engine, remove the engine damper.
Front Engine/Transaxle Mount - Hydraulic:
20. Remove the front engine and transaxle mount (bolts a). Completely remove it from the car.
21. Lower transaxle slightly, then remove left transmission mounting bolt that was concealed by the small cover plate.
CAUTION: Make sure that the weight of the transaxle is not supported by the transmission mainshaft. Severe damage to the clutch and transaxle components will occur.
22. Push engine/transmission assembly as far to right (passenger side) as possible, and remove lower transmission attaching bolts.
23. Separate the transaxle from the engine centering pins, then remove transmission.
CAUTION: Be sure the vehicle is well supported at all times during the removal procedure.