Wheel and Tire Runout, Checking
^ set up dial indicator so roller is just making contact with center of tire tread or tire wall
^ rotate wheel slowly by hand and read needle deflections off meter
^ mark location of maximum radial runout on tire
Radial Lateral
Tire with wheel 0.8 mm 1.2 mm
(0.032 in.) (0.059 in.)
^ if runout figures are within limits, balance wheel/tires (see below Wheels/ tires balancing)
^ if runout figures are outside limits, rotate tire on wheel
^ deflate tire and push tire beads down into wheelbed
^ rotate tire 120~ on wheel
^ inflate tire and remeasure radial runout
^ if maximum figure is still outside limits, rotate tire a further 120~ on wheel and remeasure radial runout
^ if outside limits, check lateral and radial runout of wheels (see below)