Engine: Service Precautions
WARNING: Exhaust valves are sodium filled. Before discarding these valves neutralize the sodium to avoid possible injury to people in the recycling chain.Exhaust Valves, Discarding
Before discarding observe the following:
- always wear protective goggles or glasses
- note that sodium reacts violently with water
- when cutting valves, valves must not come into contact with water
- use grinding equipment which does not use water or other liquids for lubrication and/or cooling
- to neutralize sodium, drop cut-off valve stems into a bucket of water and move quickly away from water bucket
- do not drop more than 10 valve stems at a time into water bucket
Discarding procedure
- use grinding stone or grinding disc to cut valve stem off near head of valve
- drop cut-off valve stems into bucket of water (sodium will now react with water!)
- once reaction has stopped (water stops bubbling) scrap valve stems
- water is biodegradable and may be discarded accordingly