Digifant I
To replace the Fuel Tank:WARNING: Fuel may be expelled during this procedure. Use a clean rag to soak up any spilled fuel. Do not disconnect any wires that could cause electrical sparks. Do not smoke or work near heaters or other fire hazards. Keep a fire extinguisher handy.
Fuel Tank:
1. Disconnect battery ground strap.
2. Remove rear seat bottom.
3. Remove access cover to fuel gauge sending unit.
4. Disconnect from fuel gauge sending unit:
a. fuel supply line to main fuel pump
b. fuel return line to fuel tank
c. fuel gauge and fuel transfer pump electrical connector
Fuel Transfer Pump:
5. Loosen and remove the large lock ring on the fuel gauge sending unit by turning it counterclockwise.
6. Remove fuel gauge sending unit from tank.
7. Drain tank through fuel gauge sending unit opening, drain fuel into a clean fuel-safe container.
8. Working from inside the rear cargo area, loosen and remove from the tank filler neck:
a. ground strap
b. gravity/vent valve hose
9. Raise vehicle on a hoist.
10. Place a suitable support stand under fuel tank.
11. Remove nuts securing fuel tank retaining straps, support tank with stand.
12. Lower and remove the tank.
13. Installation is the reverse of removal.
14. When installing fuel tank, torque retaining strap nuts to:
18 ft.lbs. (25 Nm)
15. Install the gauge sending unit with new gasket, be sure to align the matching marks between sending unit and fuel tank.
16. Use new hose clamps on all hoses.
17. Fill fuel tank and check for leaks, repair any leaks immediately.