Steering Gear: Service and Repair
Power steering gear, removing/installingTie rod ends, pressing out
Use commercial puller (A), such as Kukko 128/2
Universal joint shaft bolt (arrow), loosening
Remove and discard hydraulic oil from power steering reservoir
Use suction device, e.g. Fluid Evacuators Co. Model EX-1, or equivalent
Or remove suction hose at vane pump and drain
Engine/transmission, supporting
Install 10-222A and 10-222A/1
CAUTION: Bases 10-222 A/1 are adapted to the angle of the body. If the previous bases are used, an accident could occur.
Remove steering gear boot from seat
Remove bolts from transmission mount
Lower engine/transmission assembly in order to separate shaft halves
Power steering gear, removing
Disconnect hydraulic lines to power steering gear
Seal line openings with plastic bag and adhesive tape
Seal hydraulic ports in steering gear, as follows:
Port (1) install Part No. 113 301 229 A (plug)
Port (2) install Part No. N 904 674 01 (banjo bolt)
Note: As necessary, add 16 mm (5.32 in) diameter seals
CAUTION: Part numbers are for reference only. Always check with your Parts Department for latest information.
Remove steering gear retaining nuts
Bolts will remain in subframe
Remove steering gear from underneath
Power steering gear, installing
Install in reverse order of removal
Universal joint shaft, connecting
Raise engine transmission assembly
Slide lower half of universal joint shaft (A) into upper half of shaft (B)
Position (A) into (B) while engine transmission assembly is being raised
Second technician will be needed
Lubricate boot before seating and tightening.
Modifications to universal joint shaft, steering gear pinion
w/16V engine
From VIN: 31 N 120 001 the number of teeth on the lower universal joint shaft and the steering gear pinion have been changed.
This change allows the universal joint shaft to slide easily onto the steering gear pinion.
1. Steering gear pinion
Previously: 36 teeth
New: 22 teeth
2. Lower universal joint shaft
Previously: 36 teeth
New: 22 teeth
3. Power steering gear
CAUTION: Old and new universal joint shafts and steering gear pinions are not interchangeable. Always replace as a matched pair.