Vehicle - Ordering VIN Plates/Safety And Emission Labels
NUMBER: V95-3DATE: Jan 1995
Revised instructions for Ordering Emissions Labels, VIN Plates, Safety Certification Labels and Vehicle Certificates of Conformity
MODEL(s): All
(Replaces Service Circular, Product Compliance, dated June 1992)
EMISSIONS LABELS (Located On inside Surface of Hood)
1985 and Newer
Model Year Vehicles
Effective immediately, the Product Compliance group of Volkswagen of America, Inc. (VWoA) will provide only the following US EPA and California- mandated emissions labels:
^ Catalyst/Emissions Labels
^ Vacuum Hose Routing Labels
To receive the above labels, complete the attached label request form, ensurn that the VIN is accurate, and fax it to our new fax number:
^ (810) 340-4760 (24 hours)
Orders for labels are usually filled within three working days of receipt and are returned via first class mail.
There is no charge for these labels. We provide them free as a service to our customers.
1984 and Older Model Year Vehicles
Catalyst and Vacuum Hose Routing labels are no longer available for older vehicles. However, should you receive a request for them, you should fax the following:
^ completed label request form and
^ copy of current vehicle registration
Upon receipt, VWoA will provide a Certificate of Conformity for the vehicle.
Should you need other hood labels, such as the High Voltage Warning label, please call:
^ Your Local Parts Depot
For legal reasons, Product Compliance can no longer supply replacement VIN plates or Safety Certification labels directly to dealerships. (These items are located on the dashboard and B-Pillar, respectively.)
When repafring or replacing the dash, the VIN plate must be transferred not replaced.
When repairing or repainting the B-Pillar, every effort should be made to protect the Safety Certification labeL
However, should replacement be necessary, you will need to contact your Ownership & Technical Specialist for assistance. Prior to requesting assistance, obtain a copy of current vehicle owner registration.
In the case of VIN plate replacement, surrender of the VIN plate currently attached to the dash will be required.
Prior to bringing a vehicle into the United States which does not have a U.S. Vehicle Certification (B-Pillar Safety Certification label) from the manufacturer, the vehicle owner needs a Certificate of Conformity from VWoA in order to determine if the vehicle can be legally registered in the U.S.
To obtain a Certificate of Conformity, the owner must make a request in writing, including a copy of the vehicle's current registration, and send it to:
Volkswagen United States, Inc.
Attn: Customer Relations - 2F02
3800 Hamlin Road
Auburn Hills, MI 48326-2955
Allow two weeks for processing.
Emissions Label Request Form