Camshaft Drive Belt & Cover:
- The camshaft drive belt and its related parts are shown in the image above. Although no maintenance interval is specified, periodic inspection of the belt, and replacement at 60,000 to 75,000 miles (96,000 to 120,000 km), or every 4 to 5 years is recommended.
- Removal of the belt is the best way to perform a thorough inspection.
1. Remove the upper drive belt cover (internal-hex-head shouldered nut).
2. Loosen the coolant pump pulley bolts while the belt is still tight, then remove the V-belts and the coolant pump pulley.
3. Make sure the engine is NOT at Top Dead Center (TDC). If necessary, use the large vibration damper bolt to rotate the crankshaft by hand. Then, remove the vibration damper.
4. Remove the lower drive belt cover (one bolt, two nuts).
5. Loosen the belt tensioner locknut, rotate the tensioner counterclockwise to release belt tension, then work the drive belt off the sprockets.
CAUTION: Do not rotate the crankshaft or the camshaft individually while the drive belt is off. Doing so may damage pistons and valves.
6. Spin the tensioner to check the bearing.
NOTE: A tensioner that does not spin smoothly is worn and should be replaced.
7. Inspect the drive belt for tears, signs of stretching, exposed threads, missing teeth, and any other visible damage. It there is any doubt about the condition of the belt, it should be replaced.