Power Accessory Circuit - Intermittent Operation
Group: 28Number: 95-07
Date: Aug. 24, 1995
Power Accessory Circuit, Intermittent Operation
Passat m.y. 1993
Intermittent loss of the power accessory circuit (X-circuit) can be caused by the ignition switch/lock not returning fully to the "run" position after the engine starts.
An ignition switch that binds or does not return smoothly from the "Start" position can be caused by the following:
^ Shift lock III cable mis-adjustment.
^ Ignition switch and/or ignition lock binding.
^ Burrs on Ignition key or duplicate keys.
^ Duplicate keys that are improperly cut. Service
If a customer experiences this condition, check the ignition switch for smooth return from the "start" position to "run" position as follows:
- Obtain radio security code from the customer.
- Record customers preset radio stations.
- Disconnect battery Ground strap.
- Insert key into ignition switch and turn switch to "start" position.
- Slowly release switch; ensure switch returns freely and completely to the "run" position.
- Repeat process several times (as necessary) to ensure proper ignition switch movement.
If ignition switch binds and/or key does not return fully to the "run' position:
- Check ignition key as well as any duplicate keys for burrs and remove as necessary.
- Adjust shift lock III cable, see:
^ Passat Repair Manual, Automatic Transmission 096, From 1990 m.y, (paper manual), Repair Group 37.
- Check ignition switch function; remove ignition switch and operate with screwdriver.
If switch binds and/or does not return freely, replace ignition switch.
- Check for free movement of ignition lock; insert key into ignition lock and turn back and forth.
If ignition lock binds, replace ignition lock. After repairs are made:
- Reconnect battery ground.
- Re-code radio and reset customers preset radio stations.
- Road test to assure the condition has been eliminated.