Removal and Installation Overview
NOTE: During removal and installation procedures, refer to the component location illustration and component notes.
Cylinder Head, Servicing:
1 Pressure Regulating Valve For Crankcase Breather
2 Grommet
3 Upper Intake Manifold Bolt
- Tighten to: 20 Nm (15 ft. lbs.).
4 Upper Intake Manifold
5 Upper Intake Manifold Gasket
- Al;ways replace.
6 Cap
- Replace if gasket is damaged.
7 Cylinder Head (Valve) Cover Nut
- Tighten to: 10 Nm (7 ft. lbs.).
8 Cylinder Head (Valve) Cover
9 Reinforcement Strip
10 Oil Deflector
11 Cylinder Head Bolt
- Loosen and tighten as outlined in procedure below.
- Always replace.
12 Cylinder Head (Valve) Cover Gasket
- Always replace.
13 Cylinder Head
- When replacing head, replace engine coolant.
- Refer to Testing and Inspection.
14 Cylinder Head Gasket
- Always replace.
- When replacing gasket, replace engine coolant.
15 Camshaft Sprocket
- Note position when installing drive belt, refer to Timing Components.
16 Hook Eye
17 Rear Toothed Timing Belt Guard
18 Toothed Timing Belt
- Do not kink.
- Removing/installing and tensioning, refer to Timing Components.
19 Toothed Timing Belt Tensioner
20 Tensioner Nut
- Tighten to: 45 Nm (33 ft. lbs.).
21 Upper Toothed Timing Belt Guard
22 Toothed Timing Belt Guard
23 From Crankcase Breather
Loosen cylinder head bolts in reverse of tightening sequence shown below.
After repairs are complete, additional retorquing is not necessary.
Refer to the following information during installation procedures.
- Engine must be cold.
- Pistons must not be at Top Dead Center (TDC).
- Install cylinder head gasket.
- Install cylinder head (note centering pins in cylinder block).
- Install cylinder head bolts and tighten by hand.
- Using the sequence shown in the illustration, tighten cylinder head in four stages as follows:
- Stage I = 40 Nm (30 ft. lbs.).
- Stage II = 60 Nm (44 ft. lbs.).
- Stage III = 1/4 turn (90°).
- Stage IV = 1/4 turn (90°).