Center High-Mounted Brake Light - Replacing
Group: 68Number: 97-O1
Date: Jan. 14,1997
File this Technical Bulletin in Repair Manual No: W42 011 294 114A
Center High-mounted Brake Light, Replacing
Jetta 1993 -->
This Technical Bulletin supercedes Technical Bulletin, Group 68, No. 96-03, dated Oct. 30, 1996. The bulletin is filed in Repair Manual W42 011 294 114A
Center high-mounted brake light, replacing
^ Essex Betaseal U401 clear primer (Essex No. 435 18)
^ Essex Betaseal U402 black primer (Essex No. 435 20 A)
^ Essex Betaseal U400 HV urethane adhesive (Essex No. 57302 or 57302 M)
Contact Essex ARG at 1-800-453-3779 (ask for customer service) for distributors of these Essex products in your local area.
1 - Glass scraper (commercially available)
2 - Blade (commercially available)
Preparation for installing
- Carefully remove residual polyurethane material from removed support (do not damage black ceramic paint) using scraper and blade.
- Coat contact surface of glass with clear primer and wipe off immediately.
- Coat contact surface of glass with black primer and let dry for 60 seconds.
- Apply urethane adhesive to support, press and hold support in position for approx. 3 minutes.
- Check installation position of both supports:
^ Parallel
^ 338 +/- 0.5 mm (13.31 +/- 0.02 in.) apart (center to center)
- Assemble brake light after approx. 6 hours.