Distributor - Updated Installation Procedure
Group: 28Number: 97-02
Date: May 15, 1997
Distributor, Installing
Golf/Jetta with 2.0L engine (code ABA) 1997 -->
File this Technical Bulletin in Repair Manual No.: W42 011 294 121A
Supersedes T.B. No. 28-97-01, issued Feb. 28, 1997
These pages (originally issued with T.B. No. 28-97-01) are revised to include an identification reference for CA, MA & NY engines (see details below).
This Bulletin includes new information which will be integrated into the Repair Manual at the next update.
All references to existing Repair Manual pages are valid. References to new information in this Bulletin refer to the Technical Bulletin page number, highlighted in bold type.
The following procedure ALSO applies to distributor installation on updated 2.0L engines installed as a running change late in m.y. 1996. These engines are identified by markings "AD" (for 47 State) or "AE" (for CA, MA & NY) on the left side of the cylinder head. Updated engines can also be recognized by distributors without the two distributor mounting bolt locating pins.